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Is the contact lens case important?

With each cleaner you buy, a contact lens case is included in the package.

The ideal is for the case to change every time we change liquid. If there is daily use of the lenses, the cleaner will need to be replaced almost every month and a half. If the use of the lenses is less frequent, the change is made every three months, since a contact lens cleaner lasts up to three months from its opening.

The case plays a very important role in the process of using contact lenses as it stores, maintains and cleans the lenses. Also, the hygiene of the case is necessary, because the unhealthy way of using the case can lead to significant infections through the contact lenses.

For the case as mentioned above, frequent change is required and its daily cleaning is done only with contact lens cleaner. Also, with each removal of the lenses, it is required to keep the lids open upside down on a clean surface, so that it is ventilated until it can be used again.

An important tip: for greater disinfection once or twice a month, place the case in a clean container with water and wait for the water to reach boiling point. Then remove the case and let it dry until reused.



ESPA 2014 - 2020 KTP AE

The company was strengthened for its modernization within the framework of the Digital Convergence Program and the ROP of Attica. The project was co-funded by Greece and the European Union.

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