Sunglasses summer collection 2024

Before entering the online store of the company, it is advisable to consult the following terms and conditions that apply to the use of the online store. The following terms are a legal agreement between the company and the purchaser for the products through the website of KALYVAS VASILEIOS AND SIA EE. If you do not agree with the terms, you will not be able to proceed with the purchase.



Seller: as seller is defined as hereafter referred to as "company"

Buyer: Buyer is defined as the company that makes the order for products, hereafter referred to as the "buyer"

Products: as products are defined those items that appear on the company's website and are available for sale, hereinafter "products"



The Terms of Use valid from the time the buyer accepted them govern the purchase and act as a purchase contract. Before the next purchase, the company may have updated the Terms of Use without notice. Make sure you check the applicable terms at a time.


The company is committed to the completeness and validity of the information provided on its website in terms of both the existence of the essential characteristics, which are described on a case-by-case basis for each product it holds, as well as the accuracy of the information concerning the products provided by e-shop services, subject to any technical or typographical errors that have escaped the attention or have occurred inadvertently or due to any downtime of the site due to force majeure.



The prices shown on the website do not include all taxes or charges (taxes that may apply to the purchase).

The prices displayed on the website do not include delivery costs. Delivery costs will be added to your purchase amount and will be shown at the end. You will be able to check all delivery costs that apply to your purchase before confirming the purchase.

By clicking on "purchase completion" or the corresponding button, the order on the purchaser's behalf becomes binding. If the company accepts the order, the buyer will see a confirmation message on the computer screen.

The purchase agreement ends with this message.



On the shelves of the e-shop the buyer can find different products. Products are divided into central categories. Each category has a subcategory tree that appears in the left column of your screen. The goal is to reach the buyer in the final product with 3 clicks. If he is looking for something specific, he needs to use the "search" that will lead him straight to that choice. The company makes every effort to provide high quality services. However, errors can not be ruled out in prices and secondary product features and it can not be ensured that there will be no interruption of the website or "human" errors when updating - listing the price of a product. For better security and market efficiency, if the buyer finds that a product is offered at an abnormally low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with its order, contact 2610220771 or via the e-mail form of the web site place. When ordering the products he should be aware of the characteristics of the products he has ordered, the suitability for the intended use. So you have to carefully choose each product and make sure it is what it really wants. The company assumes no responsibility in case of incompatible use of these. After the order has been processed by the online purchasing department, the buyer will receive a confirmation e-mail for the order. In the event that a pending order appears in the order, a corresponding e-mail will be sent. Alternatively, we will contact you on the phones you provided when registering or registering the order on our site. There is no way to disable these updates, the shipment of which is a prerequisite for the correct development of your order. These emails invite you to make sure they can reach you and keep them throughout our transaction. It is your responsibility, in case you do not receive the relevant e-mail, according to the general terms 4.



The visitor-user of the pages and services of this web site must comply with the rules and provisions of Greek, European and International Law and the relevant legislation.

The visitor-user of an e-shop accepts that he will not use the company's pages and online store for:

1. Sending, posting, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous is a violation of someone else's privacy, showing empathy, or expressing racial, national or other discrimination

2. Making injuries to minors in any way

3. Adult content - porn, gambling, and anything else contrary to Greek law.

4. Mission - Bulk e-mail sending for advertising purposes without the consignee's consent.

5. Send, post, email, or otherwise transmit any content for which you do not have the right to broadcast under law or contractual or management (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of industrial relations or covered by confidentiality agreements)

6. Send, post, email, or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of third parties

7. Send, post, email, or otherwise transmit any material containing software viruses or any other code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or operate the equipment any software or computer hardware 8. Deliberate or unintentional violation of applicable laws or regulations

8. Harassment of third parties in any way

9. Collection or storage of personal data about other users

10. Pirated software traffic that governs our transactions, let us know without delay.



The payment is made before or on delivery of the product and can be done in one of the following ways:

1.Payment and receipt at the company's store.

2. By payment of the price of the order upon delivery of the product at the place chosen by the buyer.

3. With a VISA or MASTERCARD credit card issued by any bank.

The buyer guarantees that his credit card details are complete and accurate.

The charges to be borne by the buyer will be made by the issuing bank. The buyer will be charged with bank charges and current taxes.

Considering that credit card details and password are confidential information, the buyer must notify the company within 24 hours of unauthorized use of the password.

4. Deposit by bank account. In this case, the case is sent if the buyer sends by fax to 2610 220771 to the company the nominal deposit in which the order number must be stated as the reason.

The bank accounts to which the buyer can make the payment are:

National Bank of Greece : GR8401102250000022544102977

If the buyer uses web banking, he can make the deposit and then send the transaction receipt to the company.



The risk is transferred by our company to the buyer upon shipment of the products. Ownership of the product is not passed on to the buyer until the company receives the price.



In the context of a smooth transaction process, the company undertakes the delivery of the order in the place where the buyer wishes.

Products are shipped by courier. The buyer will be notified by the courier company by phone for the exact delivery day and time.



The company can not provide any guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees timely information to final consumers about their unavailability.

The company is solely responsible for gross negligence and willful misconduct in the event of a delay in the delivery of the ordered products and for the information it provides or the services it provides through its website.

The online store is not responsible for any technical problems that may be encountered by users when accessing and during and during the access to and is related to the operation or ompatibility of their own infrastructure using the site.

Finally, the Company has no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and in particular unauthorized third party interventions in products and / or services and / or information made available through it.

Until the buyer pays the full price, the company retains the ownership of the products.

Products subject to retention of title may not be pledged or transferred as collateral to third parties prior to the total payment of the consideration.

If the buyer does not fulfill his obligation to pay the fee, then the company is entitled to claim the retention of title and withdraw from the contract.



The company guarantees that the product will be delivered in excellent condition over time and at the designated place.

If a defect occurs on the product due to a company's fault, then it must compensate by replacing the defective product for free within a reasonable time or to compensate the buyer.



The order may be delayed for the following reasons:

The product is not in stock in stock and has been delayed by the supplier. In this case, the company will contact the buyer to ask if he wants the order without this product or if he wants an alternative. This item will be shipped immediately upon receipt in the warehouse.

Order item has already been removed and is unavailable. Among the products presented at the online store there are rare occasions when their supplier suddenly and unannouncedly announces that they are eliminating them. In this case an employee of the company will contact the buyer directly to provide all the alternatives, if any.

During periods of extreme weather or strikes, and in any case of force majeure, which may affect the shipment and delivery of the order. In the event that telephone and / or e-mail communication is impossible (if there is a problem with the order, either in relation to the product or in connection with its payment) because your registered information they are not properly updated.

order cancellation

An order can be canceled in the following cases: 1. Before the order is completed, during the online ordering process, the buyer can go back and remove the goods from the basket by clicking on the "remove" button. 2. If the online order has been completed but the product has not yet been shipped you can call 2610220771 and one partner will take over the cancellation of your order. 3. After receiving the product, he can call 2610220771 or contact the site's e-mail form explaining why he wants to cancel the order. An affiliate will serve him immediately and inform him of all options. 4. If an order has already been invoiced and the buyer wishes to cancel it then contact 2610220771 and give the order details. However, the status of the order will not change on the account page.



On delivery, the buyer must check for signs of wear on the product packaging before signing the receipt. If he finds such signs he must declare it immediately.

If the buyer is having a problem with one of the products, he or she may contact the company for questions about ordering or for help.

The buyer has the right to return the purchased products and to request their replacement: 1. in all cases where products have proven to be guilty of delivery of goods other than or substantially different from those ordered 2. in all cases where there was a defect (i) the warranty of the manufacturer or the importer and the product is not covered by warranty, and the warranty conditions apply; or (ii) (i) there is no warranty on (i) the statutory lapse of the buyer's rights has not occurred; or (iii) if there is no guarantee under (i) and the defect or missing property is not significant.

The company is liable for compensation in the event of lack of agreed property or defect only if it is caused by its fault, so it is not responsible for slight negligence.

The buyer may withdraw the purchase contract and request reimbursement within 10 calendar days in all cases where there is a defect in the product or its agreed status is lacking and provided that (i) it is not otherwise provided for by the producer's guarantee, or (ii) if there is no warranty on (i) the statutory lapse of the buyer's rights has not occurred; or (iii) if there is no guarantee under ( i) and e defect or missing property are not significant and 2. within 10 days of delivery of the product

Before exercising the right of revocation, the buyer must inform the company of its decision.

A condition for return is that the products returned will be in perfect condition, ie not showing signs of deterioration or destruction, must be in such a situation that the company is able to resell them. If the products to be returned show signs of deterioration due to a buyer's fault, then the buyer has to pay the costs for the restoration.

All returns must be accompanied by genuine proof, original documents, instruction manuals and accessories as well as packaging. Lack of the above may prevent or delay retransmission or exchange or result in additional charges.



In the event of force majeure, ie events that can not be avoided by extreme care and diligence, the company is entitled to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations to the extent and the time when the above events prevent them from being fulfilled. The company is not considered to be in breach of its contractual obligations during this period. Failure to fulfill the obligations does not create a right or claim on the part of the buyer if the existence of the event is substantiated.

For this purpose, the company will notify the buyer in writing within 5 days of the occurrence of the incident.

Our company has taken care to take the necessary measures to minimize the damages caused by reasons of force majeure.



All content on the Site, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services and products, are intellectual property of the site and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Consequently, reproduction, republication, copying, storage, sale, distribution, publication, execution, translation, modification in any way, in part or in summary form without the prior written permission of the rightholder, is expressly prohibited. It excludes printing part of the content of the site for the exclusive purpose of placing an order or using it for purchases. Any reproduction, re-release, download, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any manner or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only upon prior written permission or by any other legitimate rightholder of the above copyrights.



The buyer can browse the company's website freely without giving any personal information. If it decides to proceed to a purchase or to contact the company, it is necessary to provide certain information related to Personal Data (name, profession, e-mail address, date of birth, etc.). These items will be requested when you sign up or on your first purchase. In subsequent markets, a simple confirmation of some of the above information will be required. These are not distributed to any other natural or legal person, who is not affiliated with the online store, any information relating to its users and customers, unwanted communications, or the sending of promotional material which it has not requested. This can only be done after approval by the user. All information related to orders and personal details of each member is confidential and encoded so that they can not be used by anyone other than the company. Recorded data in the file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities at their legal request and in accordance with the applicable laws. The customer has, within the scope of the legislation on confidentiality of telecommunications, the rights to information and objection provided for in Articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997.

The online store operates in accordance with applicable Greek and Community law, it keeps the personal data securely for as long as the buyer is registered with a service and is deleted after any termination of the transaction.

Like most sites on the internet, so the company uses cookies to access certain information whenever the buyer browses with a web browser. Without the use of cookies, an order can not be received. At the same time, cookies allow the company to provide important services such as: order status, personal settings, storage of items in the basket or in the reminder list. Cookies are alphanumeric identification files that are transferred to the buyer's computer's hard drive while visiting websites via the internet. This is a message that the Web browser sends to the Web server. The browser stores the message in a text file, called "cookie.txt", and the message is sent back to the server whenever the browser searches for a page from it. In browser settings, the buyer may choose to prevent the browser from accepting new cookies or asking each time a new cookie is to be installed on your hard disk. However, the buyer should know that choosing to prevent cookies from being stored on the hard disk will not be able to use some important store services. Cookies are not retained and sensitive personal information is not transferred. The only information that is retained is the customer code that is kept in the online store so the latter can automatically recognize it in future visits.



The company regularly sends out informative emails. It is not the responsibility of the newsletter not to be delivered to its destination, although it does everything possible with ISPs (Internet Service providers) for delivery. The newsletter may end up in the spam folder, so please check regularly that it is not stored there.

If the buyer wishes to no longer receive a newsletter or wishes to be removed from the shipping system, he may inform the company using the site's contact form.



The difference that could not be settled in a friendly way is being dealt with by the Greek courts.